To stay compatible with some Android 12 enforcements the minimum API level had to be raised to 21 (Android 5, Lollipop).

The old implementation is still present for Android 5 devices and can be enforced should you still rely on features that got dropped in the update. Repackaged the MIDI library to now run fully inside.In total there are up to 32 assignable buttons with an additional 'alt' state (so 64 all in all) now. Most buttons on the mixer are user-assignable.resembling the previous 'channel strip' approach. The mixer half contains a long throw overlay fader for automation rides etc.Previously hardcoded button combinations for marker operations etc. Instead of the removed 'Transport' screen you now get the complete MCU master section.Most of what you may think got lost in the process is still available however (and in the end will offer more possibilities):

In consequence there are quite a few changes to the phone UI and the 'portrait views' on tablets. All devices will now basically get the same control surface in more or less 'unfolded' form. To make this possible (and keep it maintainable) the logical separation between phone and tablet versions had to be eliminated. The app is now 'resizeable' and supports splitscreen multitasking, freeform windows and screen continuity on foldable devices.Release Notes Manual Support MIDI Drivers