This tool differentiates between primary and secondary content-you can see where every term was found: e.g. Here you'll find keywords you could add to your page.

We managed to create an AI-powered solution that takes into account your website specific situation and gives recommendations not only based on certain SEO standards but also on the actual metrics the page's direct competitors have."-said Bogdan Babyak, CMO at SE Ranking. "For months, our team has been working on this ground-breaking tool. Thanks to the state-of-the-art algorithms, the SE Ranking’s On-page SEO Checker gives recommendations specific to the analyzed industry. Moreover, the analyzed website can belong to any niche. With the help of the tool, you can optimize any page, be it a blog post, a product page on an e-commerce site or a landing page. The tool will be of use to website owners, marketers, SEO specialist-basically, to anyone willing to aid their website pages perform better in organic search.

Checking the domain for length and technical problems.Check whether server location, domain and language match the recognized language.Analysis of tobots.txt if Google and Bing are allowed.